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DivX Subtitle Displayer

Download DivX Subtitle Displayer, a tool for displaying DivX movie subtitle in Microsoft Windows Media Player
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 4.42 (details)
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
License: Freeware
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Page Viewed: 74300 times


Download: Official Download Page   Official Download Page

Description:Download DivX Subtitle Displayer from the official site

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From the Author :
DivX Subtitle Displayer is a program that can display subtitles while playing DivX movies. It is easy to use and has many features, such as subtitle font settable, FPS changeable, movie play list, and so on. Now support srt subtitle format and Support for new subtitles.In this version, toolBar and auto Load Subtitle Function Added.


Main Categories: AVI (DivX, Xvid ...), Subtitles
Sub Categories:

Supported File Formats:

Input Files: DivX

OS Compatibility:

Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me/Windows 2000/Windows XP

Revision History:

Version 4.42
  • Release Date: May 8, 2002

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Total Ratings: 67


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